Connecting Humanity Through Happiness

Happy Tiger Tales is about joyfully “tiger nabbing” famous places around the world, with a simple quest of connecting humanity through happiness. An Adventuring Humanitarian, dressed as a whimsical tiger going around the globe spreading love and acceptance and, of course, tiger nabbing landmarks by snapping epic selfies. Beyond tiger nabbing and adventure racing, the tiger also creates social good experiences for various projects such as a local children’s hospital or volunteering in a Nepalese village.

Everyone, anywhere can join the journey, just follow “HAPPY TIGER TALES” on Instagram.
Our intention is to connect humanity through happiness and inspire curiosity and kindness everywhere.


Tiger Tales For Social Good

Tiger Tales is committed to humanitarian efforts both locally and abroad. From local children hospitals to a school in a small village in Nepal, we can all make a difference and spread a little happiness along the way.

Find Out How…


The Tiger Tale Talks

We passionately believe in the positive power of humanity. A community of curious souls telling our stories, engaging to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world. Listen to Tiger’s TEDTalk on how it all began…
